ATLAS SIG Business Tourism Conference
Business Tourism, Sustainability, Health and Wellness
Valencia, Spain
November 25-27, 2024

The deadline for submitting abstracts has been extended to September 20th, 2024


A message from Rob Davidson, Visiting Fellow at the University of Greenwich and Managing Director of MICE Knowledge.


On behalf of the ATLAS Business Tourism Special Interest Group, it is my great pleasure to invite you to the 2024 ATLAS Business Tourism conference from 25 to 27 of November 2024 in Valencia, Spain, where our hosts will be Universidad Europea de Valencia.


The ATLAS Business Tourism conference is an annual event, operating under the auspices of ATLAS, The Association for Tourism and Leisure Education and Research. Since 2004, it has become the most important international annual forum for the exchange of ideas and the sharing of best practice in teaching and researching this subject. The theme of this year’s conference will be:


Business Tourism, Sustainability, Health and Wellbeing

There are many close links between business tourism, sustainability, health and wellbeing.


Most obviously, business tourism can have a significant effect on the health of our planet and consequently the wellbeing of its inhabitants through the negative environmental impacts of the travelling undertaken by participants in business events. But business tourism can also create environmental improvements in destinations, for example through the urban clean-up programmes that often accompany the hosting of a major conference; or the construction of conference centres in previously neglected and derelict areas of a city.


Meetings, conferences, incentive travel and other types of business tourism can also have a number of direct impacts on the health and wellbeing of the people who participate in such events. For example, research shows a strong correlation between the frequency of business travel and a wide range of physical and behavioural health risks. Conversely, it is clear that the social benefits arising from participating in conferences can directly improve the mental health of attendees in such events.


The business tourism industry also makes widespread use of health facilities such as spas, which are frequently used as an element of incentive trips, for example. Many hotel venues are chosen by conferenve planners on account of the spa and health facilities they offer.

Who should participate in the conference?

  • Anyone teaching Meetings and Business Events (conferences, exhibitions, incentive travel)
  • Anyone involved in research connected to these subjects
  • Anyone studying these subjects
  • Anyone working in the Meetings and Business Events industry who wishes to learn more about current education and research activities for this sector
  • Anyone working in the Meetings and Business Events industry who wishes to communicate their views to educators and researchers specialising in this field.

Conference Themes

For this year’s ATLAS Business Tourism conference, we welcome papers focusing on any related topics, including:


  • Business tourism and the natural or urban environment
  • Business tourism and mental health
  • The healthy design and operations of conference and exhibition venues
  • Healthy conference catering
  • Green measures in conference design and planning
  • Business tourism and sports activities
  • Business tourism legacy initiatives
  • Business tourism sustainability trends
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and business tourism
  • Business tourism and spas
  • Bleisure
  • Examples of original initiatives in the field of teaching or researching meetings and business events or examples of co-operation between employers and educational institutions.

Abstract Submission

All abstracts will be subject to double-blind review by members of the scientific committee. Acceptance of a submission will be based on: theoretical and empirical significance; methodological soundness; relevance to the theme of the conference and logical clarity. The official language of the conference is English. The date for submitting abstracts is September 20th, 2024. Abstracts should have max. 350 words. The title should be no more than 12 words.


Abstracts should be submitted to ATLAS by using this form.

Keynote Speakers


Scientific Committee

Organizing Committee

  • Amaya Raez Palacios – Valencia Convention Bureau, Spain
  • Maria Sánchez de Mora – European University of Valencia, Spain

International Scientific Committee

  • Rob Davidson – MICE Knowledge, United Kingdom
  • Ivana Rihova – European University of Valencia, Spain
  • Vanja Pavlukovic – University of Novi Sad, Serbia
  • Maria Sánchez de Mora – European University of Valencia, Spain

Special Student Event


Sustainable Events Leaders of Tomorrow
Tuesday November 26th, 2024


A one-day event for students who are interested in events management, tourism, sustainability or wellness.


One day of the ATLAS Business Tourism Conference will be a special student event, Business Events Leaders of Tomorrow, which is open to bachelor or masters students at any university. Students may participate in this event either as a member of a class group as part of their curriculum, or as individuals.


The program of the Sustainable Events Leaders of Tomorrow event has been specially designed for students who are interested in a future career in sustainable events, tourism, or wellness. Students will actively participate in the program and they will hear inspiring presentations from international speakers who have successful careers in the events and wellness industry in Europe. The students will also learn practical skills, including how to network with professional people at meetings and other business events; and they will have the opportunity to participate in a competition as teams representing their university.


We understand the importance of investing in new talent in this industry, and that is why we are offering scholarships for two students from European universities, to assist them to participate in this conference.


The maximum amount of the scholarship is EURO 500, which should be used towards the cost of the participation fee, travel to Valencia and accommodation during the conference.


Any student currently following a relevant Masters or PhD programme or study with a specific interest in business tourism / business events / MICE can apply for the scholarship. This interest is best demonstrated by the student’s choice of a business tourism / business events / MICE topic for their dissertation/thesis.


Interested applicants should submit a 350-word abstract on the topic of their dissertation/thesis to ATLAS by using this form, together with a signed letter from his/her supervisor confirming the topic and a copy of their student card to prove their identity. Please send the documents to All of these documents must be sent before 8 October 2024.


Successful applicants will be asked to present their research in one of the workshops during the ATLAS conference in Valencia.

All applications for these scholarships will be reviewed by the ATLAS Scientific Committee and the successful candidates will be informed before the end of October.



Including in the program is an excursion visiting the City of Arts and Sciences ( More information about the excursion will be published here soon .



Conference Organisers


Valencia, the green host capital for ATLAS 2024

Valencia is the perfect host for the ATLAS 24 Congress, embodying values that align seamlessly with those of the event.

Valencia invites you to celebrate another significant recognition of the city’s dedication to sustainability: its designation as the European Green Capital 2024.

This prestigious title, awarded by the European Commission, acknowledges Valencia’s ongoing efforts to enhance the environment and the quality of life for its residents and visitors. The award considers various factors, including the city’s numerous green spaces and sustainable mobility initiatives, which we encourage you to explore during your visit. More info: Valencia European Green Capital 2024 | Visit Valencia


Why Valencia is the perfect host for a Business tourism Conference?


Valencia is a city full of surprises. Those who come for business, return for pleasure. The range of attractions on offer in Valencia make it an unexpectedly stunning destination for celebrating any type of event. A varied cuisine includes traditional dishes and avant-garde culinary creations, with ingredients coming directly from the Mediterranean sea and the huerta valenciana (the fertile agricultural area surrounding Valencia).

The exceptional climate is an invitation to enjoy the historical, sporting and cultural attractions around the city, or the recreational area around the former course of the Turia river, after the event. Contrasting architecture, with unique historic monuments and futuristic buildings, is another part of Valencia’s appeal. Being able to walk safely through the surrounding areas at any time of the day or move around the city by bike or bus makes Valencia a welcoming and captivating destination. Exemplary hotels and impressive venues adaptable to any event are what makes Valencia different.

More info: Organize your congress in València | València Convention Bureau



The organisation arranged a 15% discount at the Illunion Valencia 4 Hotel. Go to the website  and include the code for the 15% discoun: CONGRESOATLAS. This discount will be available until the 1st of September.

Information about the congress venue

Universidad Europea de Valencia is committed to innovative, comprehensive and quality training, occupying a leading position in the Spanish sector of university higher education. Its success is related to innovation, “learning by doing” academic model and global international vision with more than 47% of international students from more than 110 different nationalities.

As the host of ATLAS 24 Congress, Universidad Europea de Valencia exemplifies dynamism and innovation. The university offers a degree in Tourism and Leisure Management (taught entirely in English), a Master’s in Hotel Management, and an expert course in Business Tourism.

For this event, the newly restored Turia building will be showcased. This historic structure, once an asylum, has been renovated with artistic elements such as ceramics and mosaics by Noye, and is set to open in June. Located in the historic heart of Valencia, the Turia building provides an ideal setting to explore the city’s cultural heritage, green spaces, and excellent accessibility.

For more information about the host university, visit the website. Private University in Valencia| Universidad Europea de Valencia


Conference packages

 ATLAS membersNon-members


  • Conference attendance
  • Conference materials
  • Welcome reception
  • Coffee breaks
  • Lunches
  • Industry site inspection

Doctoral students

  • Conference attendance
  • Conference materials
  • Welcome reception
  • Coffee breaks
  • Lunches
  • Industry site inspection

Optional Conference dinner

Cancellation policy

If written cancellation is received before November 1st 2024 a refund of all meeting fees will be made, minus an administration fee of € 50. No refund will be possible after November 1st 2024, but substitute delegates can be nominated.


  • Contact
    Please contact: e-mail
  • Registration
    Submit this form to register for the conference.
  • Abstract submission form
    Submit this form to submit an abstract for the conference.
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